Conservation Work

Conservation Work

GTS has over two decades of experience in providing services in Conservation areas, Coastal reserves and Natural bushland for State and Local Government Agencies. This work includes maintaining existing firebreak clearances and sometimes creating new ones in difficult and steep terrain. GST has also undertaken works to help restrict European House borer and implemented alien weed control programs. We have also used our Elevated Work Platforms to build Osprey nesting sites on metal platforms. This experience has made us purchase and develop a fleet of vehicles and machinery to undertake this difficult work. We often require the use of four wheel trucks dragging chippers though steep terrain and soft sand. GTS is experienced in meeting and following the requirements of clearing permits and the washing of equipment and machinery to prevent the spread of pathogens between sites.

With our extensive experience and service techniques, GTS provides the best service, safety and the latest sustainable methodology to bring our clients superior results in arboriculture services.